October 19, 2021
Post Title
This is an unlucky day.I was in love with this ring and I bought it with pleasure. Looks very classy and elegant,very out of common on its picture BUT ONLY THERE!!!
I am so disappointed with what I have received. This ring is nothing similar to the high class one on the picture.The shining brilhants imitation are a shame.
. It is the worst artificial imitation I saw in my life .whatever that is on top and all over the ring . The colored stones are only ridiculous. Nothing could be as much fake as those. Shape AND color ARE RIDICULOUS. It is a False,badly done copy of someething. I was eagerly expecting for this ring which arrives to my pain,my heart aches. .It is a cheap, badly done piece. It is a waste of my time and my money. only fits Carnaval actors,or Drag queen.Revolting.Disgusting.

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