November 7, 2021
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The shape is not equal to the shape of the roof, but it can be acceptable if the stick pad was good. The stick pad is too tin and it didn't stick to the roof at all! In the end I had to remove the sticking tape and use silicon to glue the shell of the antena, but even I used a clear silicon ot looks awful. :( Also the antena is just a PCB board with printed line in a snake form without any amplifier so the product can't works properly like an antena - all the modern radios needs an amplifier in the antena so my car radio Pioneer for 250 - 300 Euro can't works properly with this antena. Also the plastic of it is toooooo tin and it bands even if I put one finger on it and press gently. Even like a product of 5 USD is not good. :(

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